A car speeds past me, a little too close for comfort.
I usually bike down a side street, thinking a quieter street would be safer. Not sure that's the case anymore. I hear another car speeding towards me from behind. Bracing myself, I try to ride a straight line to make it easier for the car. Just as the car is about to pass me I see it.
A pothole.
It's huge! Ginormous! Ridiculous! Absurd! Too large to charge straight through yet I'm moving too fast to stop in time. Swerving is not an option given the speeding car behind me. I'm running out of options, and time. I thought dodging potholes in a car on the weather-ravaged streets of Chicago was rough. It's not any easier on a bike.
I do not want to crash today. The weather was nice when I left so I didn't change out of my dress pants, my $200 dress pants. I'm going to regret that decision.
Deciding to attempt a quick stop, I squeeze the brake handles hard. The tires squeak and skid. These tires are not coming to a crisp stop as I'd hoped, probably should've paid for that tune up.
My bike barely slows down. These brakes are a joke. The front tire slams into the crater taking up half the street (exaggerate much?). The bike, along with myself, flips over and I land on my back, half in/half out of the hole. I glance up and notice my pants are still pristine.